Many credit the jammer with bringing boys back into competitive swimming. I credit crazy jammers for bringing boys back to fast swimming . Before jammers, boys had the option of the speedo or the speedo. Both of which are undoubtedly well suited to swimming in the water but not the most comfortable for roaming around a swim deck. Especially in those awkward pre and early teen years (full disclosure: my awkward period lasted from about 10 until I luckily met my future wife 18 years later).
Once jammers made the scene, the number of boy swimmers started climbing back up. But something was still missing, that quirky goofy I'm-different attitude that young boys need and black jammers with a colored stripe just don't convey.
Then came Splish and Dolfin and boys could be boys. Prints that are technicolor conflagrations of pure energy were being put into nylon/spandex blends. Parents were blinded, stroke/turn officials were confused, and boys were in their element. Times dropped, Michael Phelps happened and Montclair's own started getting bolder and bolder.
Jolen swam a JO time in the 50 back last summer and just got a new one in the 50 free. We could credit his hard work, great coaching and natural skill. Or we could face facts and realize that the jammers that looked like they were cut from the Barnum & Bailey Big Top caused the time drop. Either way, he got the time and we can look forward to more blinding displays of speed and fashion as he swims his way to more.
Check out Montclair's new affiliate link with SwimOutlet, buy some technicolor jammers and support your team with an 8% rebate to Montclair Swim Team.
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